Element Apothec Blog

2018 Farm Bill | What Is It and Why It Matters
Why is the 2018 Farm Bill important? Find out...
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The Endocannabinoid System 101
WRITTEN BY TRANG TRAN AND DR. SWATHI The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in various processes including learning and memory, pain, inflammation, appetite regulation, digestion, energy bala...
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Can CBD Cause Me To Fail My Drug Test?
WRITTEN BY MELANIE FLORES AND DR. SWATHI Short answer: Maybe–it depends. Cannabidiol (CBD) tinctures have been studied in sleep, stress, mood, and focus. As utilizing these tinctures can provide wo...
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Transparency: Why Element Apothec Partnered with TagOne
It has always been critical for Element Apothec to provide transparency for our CBD-infused wellness products. Our care for the customer’s health and frustration by lack of integrity in other welln...
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The Ellementa Show: The Sacred Feminine: Transforming Your Inner and Outer World with Dr. Swathi
What is the Sacred Feminine? How can you tap into that energy, that space, that mindset, that state of being, to manifest great things in your life? In this week’s show, we are joined by 10-time ...
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Sulfates and Parabens | What Are They and Are They Bad For You
WRITTEN BY MADISON SCHMIDT AND DR. SWATHI What are sulfates and parabens? With sulfate and paraben free products emerging on shelves, the questions have been sparked: What are sulfates and parabe...
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What Is CBD? | A Brief Overview
WRITTEN BY MILICA STOJSAVLJEVICK AND DR. SWATHI CBD is something many of you have probably seen in the stores, but what actually is it? Why has it become so popular? CBD is an active compound in t...
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