Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Swathi - FAQ #2: What is Hemp?
Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants. Through the extensive hybridization in the past decade, the lines between cannabis sativa and cannabis indica have been blurred. That being said, hemp is a variety of cannabis plants that are CBD dominant, meaning that they have relatively high concentrations of CBD and low concentrations of THC. As per the 2018 farm bill - also known as the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 - farmers are now legally allowed to cultivate hemp plants in the United States as long as it has less than 0.3% THC. This has led to the surge and the competition in the hemp and hemp derived products market. The hemp plant has been used in many industrial and practical applications including, but not limited to, apparel, food, and paper.
For more in-depth information about the history on hemp, check out our blog post here.